what's asbestos ?
asbestos is fiber minerals which found in the nature and many countries extract it from its mines as it's very useful in industry .
the question now is
what's the mean of asbestos poisoning ?
as we said asbestos is very useful in industry but on the other hand we can say that asbestos is one of the poisons which kill people .
why asbestos described as poison ?
because asbestos fibers get into our lung when we inhale it as result of the continuous exposure of asbestos , when asbestos gets into our lung it makes small scars with the continuous exposure these scars increased with a huge rate which cause lung cancer .
what's the problems of asbestos poisoning?
the main problem is that you inhale asbestos and it precipitated in your lungs then it starts to make small scars in your lung with continuous inhaling these scars become bigger and bigger then its symptoms start to appear.
how could I know if i inhale asbestos ?
here is the big problem asbestos poisoning symptoms appear after20 : 25 years of exposure and when these symptoms appear it means that your lungs are destroyed so treatment is impossible in this stage .
what's the treatment of asbestos poisoning ?
treatment of asbestos poisoning should start immediately after the exposure so we can treat it so if you feel that you inhaled asbestos or exposed it you should visit a physician immediately to have the suitable care and to prevent any complications .